Resolutions Library
Browse Alberta Municipalities’ Resolutions Library for updates on the issues and opportunities most important to our members
Resolutions are submitted by Alberta Municipalities’ members prior to our annual Convention. Members then debate the resolutions at Convention and vote on them. Adopted resolutions are referred to the relevant standing committee which will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors. Our dedicated team of policy and advocacy specialists will undertake action requested by the Board.
Search active and expired resolutions
Resolutions that have been forwarded to Alberta Municipalities for consideration.
Title: Mortgage Stress Test
Subject: Economic
Status: Adopted - Expired
Sponsor(s): Lethbridge, City of, Okotoks, Town of
Year: 2019
Title: Responsibility for Utility Infrastructure on Private Property
Subject: Infrastructure
Status: Adopted - Expired
Sponsor(s): Medicine Hat, City of
Year: 2019
Title: Financial Assistance for Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging Stations
Subject: Environment
Status: Defeated
Sponsor(s): Jasper, Municipality of
Year: 2018
Title: Alberta Historic Resources Foundation Funding
Subject: Economic
Status: Defeated
Sponsor(s): Lethbridge, City of
Year: 2018
Title: Victim Services Units Funding
Subject: Social
Status: Adopted - Expired
Sponsor(s): Falher, Town of
Year: 2018
Title: Provincial Police Act Overhaul
Subject: Social
Status: Adopted - Expired
Sponsor(s): Calgary, City of
Year: 2018
Title: STANDATA Process in Alberta
Subject: Social
Status: Adopted - Expired
Sponsor(s): Lethbridge, City of
Year: 2018
Title: Gas Fired Appliances
Subject: Social
Status: Defeated
Sponsor(s): Lethbridge, City of
Year: 2018
Title: Senior Care
Subject: Social
Status: Withdrawn
Sponsor(s): Penhold, Town of
Year: 2018
Title: Cannabis Assessment and Taxation
Subject: Governance
Status: Adopted - Expired
Sponsor(s): Sundre, Town of
Year: 2018
Learn about resolutions
Member municipalities submit resolutions for debate and voting at Alberta Municipalities’ annual convention. Read the policy and our guide for submitting your resolutions.